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I Check. April 10, 2010

Posted by jibbe in Uncategorized.
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The past six years of post-secondary – I remember every step of the way on the palm of my hand. I set out goals – weekly, monthly, short term, long term. I worked for every exam mark, essay grade, quiz, assignment. Nothing came as a given, every percent mattered to me and I had to work for it. At times, this thought process gave me the edge needed, and other times it was tough mentality. I never got a hold of separating different areas of my life – to put school aside and to focus on other dimensions such as friends, relationships etc.  

It was not until last year when it clicked. 2009 was a turning point for me. I  made that first step – the step of courage. Courage to pursue an opportunity to be well-rounded. I lived in Montreal for five weeks, studied at Universite de Montreal, and made lasting friendships from across Canada. This experience has given me the edge – not academically, but in life. I can’t put into words how important of a step this was for me. I play my cards safe, take calculated risks, don’t overbet the pot.

But sometimes, we have to find a new gear.

Facing My Fears. June 13, 2009

Posted by jibbe in Uncategorized.

Remember my list of goals I jotted down back in January?

I can’t believe it’s been half a year already. But, I can happily say that I’ve accomplished all my goals. Except one, which I will have ticked off by the end of August.

The last unchecked goal is to be on my own, in a different city. The time is nearing. And I’m excited, but kind of freaked out at the same time. I’m 22 and I have no shame is saying that I’m scared of this being on my own thing (And, it’s only for 5 weeks+ London)

Did I mention I hate flying? I get really nervous and I try really hard to fall asleep on the plane. I like to have my feet on the ground.

I still got a lot of planning to do. You can read all you want, but once you get there, it’s a different story. In the meantime, I’m trying to be as prepared as possible – familiarizing myself with the transit system, street names, subway stations…the list goes on.

Not ready yet, but I’m getting there.

The Heart Attacker. April 1, 2009

Posted by jibbe in Uncategorized.
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Check out this new burger! It’s sold in West Michigan’s ball team and it’s called the Fifth Third burger.

